Ok so i finally decided to get on the blog train. Unfortunately, i might be a little late seems that everyone now a-days has a blog, a photo blog, a personalized website for work, one for the kids, one for the person they always wanted to be as well as one for who they are, I think I even saw one for shoe left in the middle of the road. (The shoe had an unusual amount of hits – but those Chacos are popular footwear.)
So I hope to post information about my travels and adventures on here. Mostly these are nature based, being the good hippie I am, I quite enjoy the outdoors. I’m also a good southerner, so most of my adventures take place in the southeast. I say this knowing that my second blog is going to be about our recent trip to Costa Rica. Oh well you all get the drift.
So friends sit back, relax, grab a beer, smoke what you got, and enjoy the ride – cause the delay is over and this train is departing.